Connection and access to services is our mission so we are creative about the way we can offer services to our clients
Telehealth Services
Flexible, convenient, in your own space
We offer telehealth services via our secure, HIPAA-compliant telehealth platform in our client portal. All CCHC services can be accessed via telehealth – individual, couples, and family therapy.
Being able to access therapy has never been easier and we have been amazed at how deep and connected the work can still be over a screen. We are glad to be creative, flexible, and adaptable in our approach to offering therapy services to new and existing clients alike.
Telehealth-only services do not require clients to come into the office for an assessment or any aspects of service provision. While we are fully back in the office for clients who want in-person appointments, we plan to offer telehealth services on an ongoing basis. Clients are welcome to choose virtual or in-person appointments as they go.
All you need to access telehealth is a device with a camera, internet access, and a quiet, private place to talk. Your experience of online therapy is just as important as your experience of therapy in person and we value you having space to talk freely and without distraction.
If you are a new or existing client interested in getting more information about our telehealth offerings, please call our Intake Coordinator on (703) 878-3290 or complete a Contact Us form.
Telehealth Services
We are proud to support our clients to connect with themselves and their loved ones in accessible and flexible ways
A new way of accessing therapy
How does a telehealth session feel?
Many clients wonder if they will feel comfortable doing therapy online. Will it feel the same? Can we go as deep? Will my therapist be as engaged and responsive?
Our therapists and clients report that telehealth sessions are just as satisfying. In fact, doing therapy in your own home or private space can often help you to feel more relaxed, open up, and access your emotional world more deeply.
For some, the physical separation of not having a therapist sitting feet away can also feel more comfortable and safe. This allows for greater risks in sharing the tough things, more room to be in connection with pain, and a bigger container in which to think and feel.
As couples can see each other on the screen, they often notice facial expressions or body language (both their own and their partners) they might not see during an in-person session. This can offer another layer of feedback in the work we do to support couples to become more attuned to each other.
Couples and families report that the pace of online sessions can be a little slower as everyone is more conscious of not talking over each other. This pacing offers the opportunity to slow down, not get caught up in the ‘content’ so easily, and get to the deeper emotions and needs for connection more quickly and effectively.
In this day and age, children and teens are accustomed to life in the virtual space. Many of our children, teens, and parents share that they feel comfortable in virtual sessions and more able to open up from the comfort of their own home. Online sessions can also be a better fit with the hectic schedule of family life.
Therapy Online
Good practice strategies
How to get the most out of telehealth services
Our experience has taught us that accessing telehealth in a mindful and prepared way helps both therapist and client(s) create a satisfying therapeutic experience.
Here are some tips and strategies that we hope will help our clients as they access our online services:
Do you have the right equipment? Does your phone, tablet, laptop, or computer have a camera? Do you need to change any settings on your device to support telehealth services? It can be helpful to make sure a charger and ear/headphones are on hand if you need them. Earphones can improve sound quality and offer more privacy.
Can you access services in a place with reliable internet service? Does your data plan work better than your home wi-fi or the other way around? If you use your phone, switch to ‘do not disturb’ mode to avoid disruption during the session.
How can you create an environment that is quiet and private? Close your door, set up a white noise machine outside your room, and let people know you are not to be disturbed. It is important to be protective of your sacred time in therapy, for the whole session.
If being at home may not be conducive to a private session, where else can you go? Clients have engaged in sessions in their car, in their office, or private room at their place of worship.
Log on a few minutes before the session starts so you can check the link, connection, and device settings. It also gives you time to settle, focus, and connect within.
If your therapist misses something important, please let them know. Our therapists are invested in deeply collaborative work with our clients to ensure you have the best experience possible. If you need to repeat something, slow things down, or help your therapist understand your experience in the moment, please know we will welcome your feedback.
We check in with clients at the start of telehealth sessions to see if there is anything we need to pay particular attention to, from either a logistics or emotional perspective. We also make time to check-in at the end of each appointment so we can get feedback from you about your experience.
We look forward to working with you to make this a satisfying, safe, and change-worthy experience.