Couples Therapy Services
Feel connected, secure, and open
Love relationships are one of the biggest investments we make in life. When our relationship experiences distress, the pain this creates is hard to tolerate.
Whether you fight about the same issues over and over, find yourselves struggling to repair a relationship injury, or want to feel more valued by your partner, The Center for Connection, Healing & Change can help.
We offer a range of couples therapy and marriage counseling services, including Emotionally Focused Couples Therapy, Sex Therapy, Pre-marital or Pre-Commitment Therapy, and Divorce Discernment Counseling.
Become more open with each other and clear about how to meet each other’s needs. Repair unresolved hurts or breaches in trust. Create lasting ways of relating that make your relationship feel like your favorite place to be.
Pre-Commitment Therapy
Invest In Your Bond From The Start
Relationship Insurance
As your relationship develops and moves through commitment milestones, the best gift you can give each other is Pre-Marital or Pre-Commitment Therapy. Think of it as “relationship insurance.”
At the onset of a relationship, when you’re madly in love, it’s easy to believe you’re invulnerable to anything that might upset the apple cart.
And then you hit a bump in the road and find your differences are now creating division and misunderstanding. Frustrations and old hurts get triggered as conflict arises.
Imagine being prepared and equipped to successfully navigate these molehills before they turn into mountains.
Utilize couples therapy or pre-marital counseling to talk about what it means to build a life together, before you take the next step. Learn to work together as co-designers of your life, using openness, trust and vulnerability as your greatest resource.
Sex Therapy
Renew your Sexual Connection
Create space to play and bond
Sex and emotional intimacy are tightly woven together. Our sex life is often a barometer for how we feel about ourselves and our relationship.
We combine Emotionally Focused Couples Therapy and Sex Therapy to help couples explore a more satisfying sexual connection together.
Explore how your current relationship dynamics influence your sexual life. Learn how to talk openly and vulnerably about what you need to turn up the heat between you.
Examine the messages you have received about sex and sexuality, and the impact of any experiences of trauma or abuse. Imagine feeling free and present in the bedroom, loving your body and its sensations.
The body is the conduit of our sexuality. Explore how changes in your body due to illness, childbirth or ageing may be impacting your sex life. Reclaim your sensuality and connection to your body.