12751 Marblestone Dr, Suite 200, Woodbridge, VA 22192 | 3930 Walnut St, Suite 250, Fairfax, VA 22030 | 
info@thecenterforconnection.com | (703) 878-3290 |

Welcoming Spiritual Connection, Healing and Growth into Therapy

Connecting with the fullness of your Being

Our psychotherapy services can make space for exploring a deeper relationship with the spiritual aspect of your humanity. We are each on a unique, personal, and sacred path to live in the fullness of our identity, purpose, and sense of greater connection.

The journey of becoming more fully ourselves often includes a process of healing, retrieving lost and hidden-away parts of our identity, and/or going back to our origins to make sense of the present. None of us make it through to adulthood without enduring hurts and losses along the way. Creating space to acknowledge your precious story and all the ways that life has shaped you can be the cornerstone of returning to a place of wholeness.

We view therapy as a vehicle for becoming truly whole and free to live, just as you are. We view the process of exploring old wounds, fears, protectors, family dynamics, relational patterns, and messages about who you are and what is available to you, as having a spiritual component. Returning to your original essence and developing a sense that you are beautiful, sacred, and a gift to the world can often benefit from welcoming in and accessing the power of your spiritual connection.

As you explore the story of you, you get to re-integrate parts of you that might have needed to be hidden away, minimized, or abandoned. You get to bring all parts of who you are back into the light. You get to fully embody your strengths, resources, and ability to survive. You get to decide who you are now, live from a place of thriving, and access the full range of possibilities available to you.


Whatever your story, you are the product of its sum total. Where parts of your being have lived through dark times there is always the opportunity to shine new light upon them. Where aspects of your personhood may have not been loved, nurtured, or welcomed in the world, there is always the option to rewrite the narrative of who you are and know who you are.

You may have a desire to grow spiritually but feel like you’re stuck or lack clarity about how to do this. Inner blocks and external circumstances may be getting in the way of your growth and purpose and so we offer a purposeful place to explore the interplay between body, mind, spirit, emotions, and relationships.

We harness the power, wisdom, and older-wiser-otherness of your spiritual connection, whatever this means for you. Naming our deepest pain, longings, needs, and struggles in the presence of our spiritual connection, where our soul has the experience of being fully seen and heard, can be an important part of spiritual and personal growth.

We all have seasons and life experiences that guide us toward living with greater alignment with our personhood. Sometimes this means we need space and time to consider our options, purpose, and beliefs in an intentional way. 

If you are being called to explore this part of your lived experience, create a change, make a decision, follow your joy, trust your instincts, or align with your life purpose, we would be honored to alongside you. We trust that nurturing this aspect of being human opens up opportunities to live more fully from a place of compassion, courage, creativity, clarity, calm, and connectedness. 

You deserve to live in a way where your body, mind, and spirit are integrated, whole, and in alignment with the divine. Come home to your true self and design a life that flows from your soul.


Whatever your unique relationship with your spiritual life, practices, and beliefs, we can help you grow a deeper and more meaningful relationship with this aspect of your humanity.

You may already have had experiences and encounters with the divine that you want to process and understand more fully in a neutral and supportive environment. You may want to explore a deepening intimacy with the divine and who you are in relationship to spirit. Sessions can explore ways that spirituality shows up in your life as presence, voice, intuition, wholeness, and inspiration. 

We can also support you to develop or make space for spiritual practices such as prayer, meditation, self-care,  reflection, retreat, sabbatical, or expression of life purpose and identity. If you are looking to cultivate regular practices into your life that support your spiritual growth, we can help you explore what will work best for you.

Where you want to take an embodied approach to your spiritual growth, we can integrate somatic psychotherapy and soulful bodywork into your plan of care.  The body can serve as a valuable source of information about spiritual growth, alignment, and/or healing needs. Click here to learn more about our bodywork services.

Taking time to explore the spiritual meaning of pain and/or ill-health can be an important part of healing, signaling what may still be held, blocked, or in need of tending to. Welcoming the body as a container or vehicle for spiritual growth can be a powerful way of building a connection to spirituality, cultivating balance, and deepening your sense of clarity. Spiritual practices are a great tool for slowing down, listening, and being more present and intentional in your life.

We can also help you explore end-of-life concerns, good ‘endings’, or rituals related to grief, loss, and remembrance wherever these are needed.

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